Greetings from the Executive Director: October 2024
Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University
I don’t know about you, but I am so excited for fall to finally arrive!
Of course, by fall, I mean the official season. I’m sure many of us have been caught up in the academic fall semester and all the joys, stresses, and details that come with it. My hope is that, at least here in Texas, all the things that come with the fall semester can be somewhat aided by it not being over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
It has been busy here, so it’s been a bit overwhelming to be perfectly candid and honest with you. Here are a few of the things on my mind related to NACC.
Our annual member meeting is next month in Washington, D.C.! I’m looking forward to seeing you all there, so be sure that if you are a member representative, you’ve signed up to join us! We plan to have many engaging discussions about what is happening in our programs, schools, and communities.
We are wrapping up the fall honor society! Many of you remember Carley, our awesome student worker. They graduated after working with NACC for over 18 months and have begun their job at Boston University. I won’t lie, though; I’m selfishly missing their assistance with balancing all that’s going on with the honor society. On a more positive note, we have an awesome new student worker starting in the next few weeks that I can’t wait to introduce to you!
Finally, I’m thinking about our July conference at the University of Maryland! Our committee has been meeting and working on the core themes of our conference. Soon we will be putting out our call for presentations, so be sure to keep an eye out and let us know if you have a session or presenter in mind!
While this isn’t close to all that’s going on with NACC, they are currently running around in my mind as the big three things. There’s lots to look forward to, and it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress of all the details that I have to take a second to step back and think about all that I’m grateful for in this community. Our community is the core of what makes NACC….well, NACC, and I’m so glad to have been part of it for over 5 years!
Take care of yourselves. Take some deep breaths. We’ve got this.