Greetings from the Executive Director: October 2024

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

I don’t know about you, but I am so excited for fall to finally arrive!

Of course, by fall, I mean the official season. I’m sure many of us have been caught up in the academic fall semester and all the joys, stresses, and details that come with it. My hope is that, at least here in Texas, all the things that come with the fall semester can be somewhat aided by it not being over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

It has been busy here, so it’s been a bit overwhelming to be perfectly candid and honest with you. Here are a few of the things on my mind related to NACC.

Our annual member meeting is next month in Washington, D.C.! I’m looking forward to seeing you all there, so be sure that if you are a member representative, you’ve signed up to join us! We plan to have many engaging discussions about what is happening in our programs, schools, and communities.

We are wrapping up the fall honor society! Many of you remember Carley, our awesome student worker. They graduated after working with NACC for over 18 months and have begun their job at Boston University. I won’t lie, though; I’m selfishly missing their assistance with balancing all that’s going on with the honor society. On a more positive note, we have an awesome new student worker starting in the next few weeks that I can’t wait to introduce to you!

Finally, I’m thinking about our July conference at the University of Maryland! Our committee has been meeting and working on the core themes of our conference. Soon we will be putting out our call for presentations, so be sure to keep an eye out and let us know if you have a session or presenter in mind!

While this isn’t close to all that’s going on with NACC, they are currently running around in my mind as the big three things. There’s lots to look forward to, and it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress of all the details that I have to take a second to step back and think about all that I’m grateful for in this community. Our community is the core of what makes NACC….well, NACC, and I’m so glad to have been part of it for over 5 years!

Take care of yourselves. Take some deep breaths. We’ve got this.


By |2024-10-22T09:28:01-04:00October 22nd, 2024|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: July 2024

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

And just like that, summer is almost over!

It’s hard to believe that August is at our doorstep when I have barely recovered from commencement ceremonies in early May. As many of you have experienced, academic life seems to be stating, “Next month will be calmer” or “Things will be calmer in the summer so I can catch up” over and over. And this year has been no different.

In that spirit, I’m going to be keeping this one super short. There’s so much to do, and so little time to do it!

Even though it has been a busy summer, NACC won’t be slowing down any time soon! As many programs prepare to welcome a new class of students, we will be preparing to welcome our fall class of Nu Lambda Mu, preparing for our annual member meeting at ARNOVA’s conference, and getting ready for NACC’s 2025 conference. Keep an eye out here and on our website to see the latest for those upcoming events and more!

This coming month also marks a change for NACC. Joshua Carley, who has been serving as our student program coordinator for almost two years, will be leaving to start their new role at Boston University! While I am thrilled for them, it’s going to be hard saying goodbye and finding someone to fill their shoes. Carley approached their work with dedication and professionalism. I know Boston University is going to benefit immensely from his skills, and I also know that NACC has been made better by having them be part of our organization. Best of luck, Carley!

Wishing you all the best!
Nicole Collier

By |2024-07-24T10:17:47-04:00July 24th, 2024|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: May 2024

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

Hello, everyone!

I know there are several updates, new honor society members to welcome, and more to share, but I wanted to reminisce about my time at NACC.

This month marks five years since I stepped into the role of interim executive director for NACC on May 1st, 2019. That version of me, let’s call her “Past Nicole”, was a duck desperately treading water and trying to look calm on the surface. I was attempting to learn the ropes of NACC, trying to measure up to the example and expertise that Erin Vokes demonstrated (hi, Erin!), and wrapping up the planning and logistics for NACC’s 2019 conference in London, England!

Past Nicole made a lot of mistakes. The first was when Dr. Will Brown came into my office in November of 2018 and asked if I knew about NACC. In my mind, I thought they were asking about my hometown, Nacogdoches, commonly referred to as “Nac.” So, I very confidently answered, “I know everything about Nac!” Turns out I lied.

I quickly learned about this amazing group of people when I acted as a stand-in note-taker during the 2018 member meeting in Austin, Texas. I learned even more and haven’t stopped learning since. I became interim executive director in 2019, and the official executive director the next year. I continue to make mistakes, hopefully not as many as Past Nicole; and I continue to be amazed at the work our members undertake, the dedication of the students that join our honor society, and the passion we all share for nonprofit education.

By the time this newsletter comes out, I will also have celebrated a birthday where my age will end in “0” (I’ll let y’all guess which decade beyond that). It’s a natural point to reflect on how far I’ve come, what I want to improve on, and what I hope for the future. So it’s natural that I combine both of these milestones to think about how lucky I am.

So. I hope Future Nicole keeps making mistakes, but more importantly, that she learns from those inevitable mistakes and keeps working to improve. I hope she keeps learning from the amazing people around her. Finally, I hope she takes time to enjoy the things in her life and take care of herself.

Thank you all for being part of this journey me, whether you are reading this for the first time and have no clue who I am, or have been part of NACC since the beginning. I am thankful for all of you.

All the best,

By |2024-05-22T15:37:31-04:00May 22nd, 2024|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: March 2024

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

Well, I have discovered a new form of anxiety…having to follow Angela Logan’s newsletter articles.

I hope you are all having an excellent spring! It’s hard to believe spring classes are almost done here in College Station. My brain still thinks it’s recovering from winter break!

I have been pretty busy the past few months. The Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy at Texas A&M, where I dedicate the rest of my work time, hosted its first Nonprofit BRIDGE Conference. The conference was dedicated to fostering partnerships between nonprofit organizations and higher education institutions. I saw many familiar faces there, including several NACC members based in Texas. It was a great event and I’m looking forward to future conferences.

Now that I am done with that conference and can take a deep breath, it’s time to return to several NACC projects and initiatives. It’s time to send the updated curricular guidelines to an editor and printer. We need to continue welcoming applicants of Nu Lambda Mu through the rest of the application cycle. Finally, it’s time to start planning our summer 2025 conference! It’s going to be a busy year, but I can’t wait to dig back in.

I’ll keep it short and sweet this month. I look forward to sharing more. Until then, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

All the best,

By |2024-03-25T09:04:37-04:00March 25th, 2024|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: January 2024

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

Hello, and Happy New Year!

I hope you all enjoyed the winter holidays and are refreshed and ready for the next semester or cohort of students!

At NACC I’m thinking ahead for what 2024 can have in store and am excited to get started!

Of course, you never know what a year will bring, but I’m ready to continue connecting with all our members to see the great things they will accomplish.

Even distant events like the U.S. Election and our annual member meeting at ARNOVA on November 20th seem impossibly far in the future, but it will be here before we know it. I am excited to see how the initiatives we discussed around membership, accreditation, marketing, and more will unfold throughout the year to provide more value to nonprofit and philanthropic education programs around the world.

So, here is to the new year! I am so thankful for all you have done for NACC, all you do to support the next generation of nonprofit leaders, and what we will continue to achieve in 2024 and beyond.

All the best,

By |2024-02-14T09:28:56-05:00January 8th, 2024|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: November 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University


Everything is totally calm here in College Station! (a little football and leadership humor for anyone who may have heard news about Texas A&M). I hope you are all doing well and had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday. I wanted to thank everyone who attended our annual member meeting or who stopped by to say hi during ARNOVA’s conference in Orlando! I had a great time meeting with so many of you during our member meeting, discussing what is going on at your programs and chatting about the latest events with NACC.

I wanted to take this chance to thank several of our board members whose board service officially ended at our member meeting.

  • John Casey, Baruch College CUNY
  • David Springer, University of Texas Austin
  • Alicia Schatteman, Northern Illinois University
  • Renee Irvin, University of Oregon

Thank you for all you have done! I will miss seeing you each month.

The meeting also marked the end of Dr. Will Brown’s term as President of the board. I wanted to thank him for his hard work and dedication to NACC. While he will still be on the board as our Immediate Past-President (and he works down the hall from me, so he couldn’t escape NACC if he tried), I wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for his work and dedication.

Finally, I wanted to welcome our newest board members as the year begins! We are incredibly fortunate to welcome four new people to our board.

Our Board Officers for 2024

  • Angela Logan, President, University of Notre Dame
  • Heather Carpenter, President-Elect, Louisiana State University Shreveport
  • Signe Bell, Vice President for Membership, University of Delaware
  • Peter Weber, Vice President for Governance, Auburn University
  • Robert Fischer, Treasurer, Case Western University
  • Alex Skailes, Secretary, City University of London
  • Will Brown, Past President, Texas A&M University

I hope you will all join me in thanking our outgoing board members and welcoming our newest members. You can always see our board of directors on our website.

Wishing you all the best!

By |2023-11-28T12:37:42-05:00November 28th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: September 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University


I hope that you are doing well and are enjoying students being back on campus! Here in Texas, I am excited for so many reasons. Firstly, after enduring a grueling 49-day stretch of temperatures consistently reaching at least 100 degrees, we’ve finally experienced some relief with highs around 95 degrees for the past few days—hooray for cooler weather! I’m also excited that with students back on campus, we have opened applications for our Honor Society, Nu Lambda Mu, to celebrate the exceptional students that are dedicated to nonprofit and philanthropic education.

I hope you’ve all marked your calendars for our upcoming annual member meeting on November 15th, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, or accessible online via Zoom. We’re currently finalizing the agenda and eagerly anticipating engaging discussions, as well as the opportunity to hear about your achievements over the past year.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed to our July Conference in Auburn, Alabama. I would especially like to thank our hosts at Auburn University for being excellent hosts. I had an incredible experience and enjoyed the thought-provoking and meaningful panels, discussions, and presentations that took place. It was nice to see the NACC network come back together in-person!

Wishing you all the best!

By |2023-09-25T11:02:59-04:00September 25th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: July 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

It’s hard to believe, but when this newsletter comes out, the NACC Conference will be over!

It feels simultaneously like 1 year ago, and 10 years ago that we had our last in-person conference in London, England, but it’s been 4 years. So much has changed since then, but not the dedication of our programs, members, and individuals to provide high quality third sector education.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to join us, submit proposals, presented their knowledge and experience, shared our registration reminders, or were forgiving of my slower response to messages as we prepared to gather together.

With the conference behind us, we are looking forward to our annual member meeting at ARNOVA November 15th. We are continuing to be conscious of the culture and political climate in the state, but currently are planning to host the meeting in person, with an option to join virtually. We are aware that hybrid meetings can have unequal participation, so we are working on ways to avoid that as much as possible. The first effort is to fundraise and dedicate money towards quality equipment designed for online meetings. If you would like to help us fundraise towards that effort, you can email me to learn more at While we want as many voices to be heard, I want to emphasize that your safety and comfort come first. We will do our best to facilitate as equitable of a hybrid meeting as possible, but are still learning and adapting. If you have any advice, concerns, etc. about effectively facilitating this meeting, please reach out to me.

Furthermore, we want to hear from you! Whether you joined us in Auburn or not, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your feedback is very important to us. If you complete the survey by August 19th, you will be entered in to a drawing for a box of NACC merchandise!

I hope you are all doing well. Take care of yourselves!


By |2023-07-19T12:10:31-04:00July 19th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: May 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University

New look, who’s this?!

First things first, I want to thank Erin for all of her work updating our website and newsletter over the past month! I think we can all agree it looks great and that she will do an excellent job taking the helm of NACC News after Linda’s leadership.

I would normally opine about things going on in College Station, end-of-semester blues or joy (there’s no judgment here, I too enjoy shorter wait times at restaurants), I don’t have time for that today because the 2023 Biennial Conference is almost upon us!!!

So, bear with me, I’ll try to summarize at the top so you can read more about the topics you need to, and keep on scrolling as needed!

  1. Don’t forget to register and pay your registration fees!
  2. We have new and exciting details to share about an excursion we are offering on July 22nd to those interested in visiting Montgomery and key civil rights sites. You can register for that excursion on our website in the next few days!
  3. Looking ahead to the rest of the year. Our annual member meeting will be on November 15!

The Conference:

Ok, more on the conference. I’m so excited to see many of you at Auburn University in July. I have published the draft schedule for you to take a look at and get as excited as I am!

For those of you who can’t make it, let me know if you would be interested in sending any questions over to the presenters and they can reach back out personally if they have time.

Our Optional Excursion:

I am excited to share a few more details about the optional excursion.

We are excited to offer an excursion to the Legacy Museum and Memorial, followed by a conversation and guided tour (inside an air-conditioned bus) with Wanda Battle of Legendary Tours! You can learn more about the excursion here. Registration will include a fee to cover transportation, our tour guide’s time, and admission to the museum and a few sites in Montgomery.

Looking Ahead to the Member Meeting

Finally, please mark your calendars for November 15th when we will hold our annual member meeting. Our meeting has traditionally been held the day before conference programming begins at the annual ARNOVA Conference, but I want you to know that the board and everyone at NACC is continuing to pay attention to the discussions about hosting the conference (and therefore our meeting) in Florida in light of the concerning legislative session. I won’t pretend we have all the answers right now; but we are continuing to discuss our options and how to proceed. We are committed to providing a safe space for those who join us in person, as well as ways for people to fully participate if they do not travel to Florida.

We will keep you updated.

You can see various ARNOVA board and staff perspectives on their website.

By |2023-05-30T10:59:51-04:00May 30th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Greetings from the Executive Director: February 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director


I’m sure I won’t have anything to add this month that will measure up to the lovely retrospectives shared in this edition. So instead I just have two quick reminders, and a small update in appreciation of our new student coordinator who you met last month!

  1. Nu Lambda Mu Applications are now open! Students of NACC member programs that are graduating this spring/summer (or have already graduated) are eligible to apply. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Proposals are still open for NACC’s conference at Auburn this summer! You can also register to attend using our website.

You may remember that I introduced you to NACC’s new student coordinator last month. Well, Carley is off and running! One of their fist tasks was to update our guidestar profile, and not only did they do that, but they got us to Gold! They are now working on assisting with Nu Lambda Mu, and helping me with NACC’s archives to help us better store and file NACC’s history for everyone to utilize. You can reach Carley or myself at our shared email,!

I am wishing you all a pleasant spring. Don’t forget to take care of yourselves!


By |2023-04-04T19:59:38-04:00April 4th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|
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