Job Opportunities
As a benefit to members, NACC posts links to member job postings. Links stay active for 30 days at which point they will be removed. Members can resubmit postings upon expiration of the 30-day period. Please note that the date the position is posted refers to the date the job posting was added to the Job Opportunities webpage. For more information contact
Georgia Southern University | Assistant Professor of Public Administration | Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies
The Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies is currently accepting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Public Administration. The start date for this position is January 1, 2023. While the specialization is open, the ideal candidate will be able to teach courses in the MPA core as well as assist with one or both of the program’s two concentrations (public management and nonprofit management). The department also offers three undergraduate minors, including a Minor in Nonprofit Management. Learn more about the position here.
Slippery Rock University | Two Tenure Track Faculty | Institute for Nonprofit Leadership
This faculty member will support the Institute for Nonprofit Leadership at SRU including, strengthening the Institute’s regional networks, conducting research, engaging students and other SRU faculty to support Institute research and programming, supervising Institute staff, securing Institute contracts and other financial support, and assisting in the capacity building of nonprofit organizations served by the Institute. In addition, this senior faculty member will assist the Institute’s Advisory Council with strategic planning and implementation, revenue generation, program assessment, preparation of reports, and day-to-day management of the Institute. Learn more about the position here.