Craig Furneaux, Queensland University of Technology
Craig Furneaux
Associate Professor
Faculty of Business & Law
School of Accountancy
Queensland University of Technology
Case Management Systems and New Routines in Community Organisations
Financial Accountability & Management, 39(1), pp. 216-236
Case Management Systems and New Routines in Community Organisations, published by Craig Furneaux, Ogan Yigitbasioglu (QUT), and Sari Rossi (QUT), is a multiple-case study that examines the adoption of a case management system (CMS) across two community organisations in Australia using organizational routines as a theoretical lens. Both the adopters and the vendor were interviewed to explore how the CMS was instituted in the adopting organisations.
Many of the concerns or problems associated with a CMS as reported in the literature were not supported in this study. Although the two cases differed significantly in terms of size and resources, the findings show that the adoption of CMS led to new ostensive and performative routines around data collection and service delivery in both organisations. This had implications for accountability and organisational learning. In particular, better access to data improved visibility and reporting on the provision of services and subsequently supported fundraising.
This study also highlights some of the situational factors that facilitate or impede the transition to a CMS such as the critical role of the CMS administrator and the way the change is managed in adopting organisations. Overall, this study contributes to the discourse on CMS by providing some evidence to support a more nuanced view of CMS including as ‘systems of accountability’ or even a ‘necessity’ of the digital age rather than merely as ‘instruments of neoliberal policy’ and enablers of bureaucratisation of social work.
Dr. Craig Furneaux is an Associate Professor with the School of Accountancy, Faculty of Business and Law at Queensland University of Technology. He is also Subject Area Coordinator for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies and is a member of the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies. Craig has over 30 years’ experience leading innovation in, and researching with, nonprofit organisations. Craig research focus is on accountability, capability and change in nonprofits organisations and social enterprises. He is also interested in faith-based charities in civil society. More of his research is available for free here.