William A. Brown, NACC President

William A. Brown
President, NACC
Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Director, Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Director, Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
Holder of the Mary Julia and George Jordan Professorship
Texas A&M University
Another academic term is starting for many of us. The academic calendar is one of my favorite parts of being a professor. The chance to start anew with renewed plans and high hopes for a successful fall. We all know things never quite come together as we plan, nevertheless we start refreshed and hopeful!
What a wonderful time we had at the 2023 Biennial Conference in Auburn, Alabama! It was an intimate group that allowed for real and significant conversations. The conference planning was impeccable, presentations and talks outstanding, and our hosts rolled out true southern hospitality. It was a wonderful week to reflect on our roles and purposes in turbulent times. I am reminded yet again how fortunate we are to build programs and foster careful dialogue on topics that contribute to some of the most important principles and institutions in our communities. The conference ended with a trip to Montgomery, Alabama where we had a historic tour of civil rights landmarks and then visited the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice. These are amazing institutions – I highly recommend a visit. These institutions highlight a vital aspect of American history that I for one do not fully understand. It reflects both the higher ideals of who we hope to be and the baser aspects of human nature. A powerful afternoon. May your fall term achieve its full potential and I look forward to seeing many of you at our fall conferences.
All the best,