2016 NACC Member Meeting
@ ARNOVA Conference in Washington, D.C.
Registration has now closed. Please contact Erin Vokes at e.vokes@csuohio.edu for more information.
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2016
NACC is very grateful to the following who have generously sponsored the 2016 Annual Member Meeting in Washington, D.C.:
Lunch Sponsorship ($750 level)
- Seton Hall University
Reception Sponsorship ($500 level)
- Center for NGO Leadership and Development, Northern Illinois University
- University of Notre Dame
Snack Sponsorship ($250 level)
- Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University
- Queensland University of Technology
- Helen Bader Institute for Nonprofit Management, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University
Agenda Overview
11:30am–12:00pm: Registration
12:00pm: Complimentary Boxed Lunch served
12:00pm–4:30pm: Member Meeting, with closing reception to follow
A more detailed agenda is below.
ARNOVA Conference in Washington, D.C.
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
The NACC Member Meeting has been scheduled to take place in the Columbia Foyer meeting room, located on the Ballroom Level of the hotel.
For guests attending the ARNOVA Conference, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill at the rate of $229 per night. Reservations must be made by Thursday, October 20, 2016 in order to receive the Conference Rate (while rooms are available). Make your reservations online here or call toll free at 888-421-1442.
Working Agenda:
Representatives register and pick up box lunches
Introductions and program reports from representatives
Business meeting
NACC Accreditation Presentation
Group Discussion and Professional Development Activity (TBA)
Reception (to be held at Article One, the Hyatt Regency lounge)
Sponsorship Opportunities:
NACC is currently seeking Sponsors to help make the 2016 Member Meeting possible. If you are interested in Sponsorship opportunities, please Erin Vokes at e.vokes@csuohio.edu.
To attend the Member Meeting, participants must complete the registration form. Complimentary lunch is provided and the meeting is free to attend. If you have any questions please contact Erin Vokes at e.vokes@csuohio.edu.