Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Welcome given by Renee Irvin, NACC President. Drawing for a special NACC prize.

Angela Logan
University of Notre Dame
Kenny Taylor
Texas A&M University
We have agency: As faculty and administrators of nonprofit and philanthropy-first higher education programs, we can address racial injustice in three different contexts:
(1) By formulating programming and curricula for our students that prepares them to make positive social change,
(2) By serving our students with empathy and justice, ensuring that BIPOC students receive the resources they need to thrive in higher education,
(3) By turning a critical eye on our own administrative structures to find ways to ensure that BIPOC faculty and staff members receive the resources and collegial support to thrive in their professional careers.
Session 1, 12:00 PM – 12:55 PM (EDT)
This session is comprised of different panels. Click the hyperlink at the top of each column to connect to the Zoom room of the panel you would like to attend.
Room 1: Resilience and Growth of Nonprofit, NGO, & Philanthropy Programmes in Higher Education | Session Moderator: Marco Tavanti, University of San Francisco | Panelists: Theresa Hurley, Anna Tait, and Owen Thompson-Lastad |
Room 2: The Future of Nonprofit Management Education | Session Chair: Nathan Dietz, University of Maryland | Panelists: John Casey (City University of New York), Katlin Gray (University of Maryland-College Park), Mary Kay Gugerty (University of Washington), Renee Irvin (University of Oregon and NACC President), and Pier Rogers (President of ARNOVA) |
Room 3: Social Justice Leadership at Nonprofit Organizations (passcode: NACC2021) | Kenny Taylor, Texas A&M University | Roundtable session will introduce participants to a social justice framework within nonprofits focused on accelerating racial diversity at the executive and board level. |
Session 2, 1:00 PM – 1:55 PM (EDT)
This session is comprised of different panels. Click the hyperlink at the top of each column to connect to the Zoom room of the panel you would like to attend.
Room 1: Panel on Giving and Receiving Creative Approaches to Resource Accumulations and Distribution | Emily Nwakpuda (UT Arlington), Karabi Bezboruah (UT Arlington), Holly Miori (UT Dallas), and Joshua Newton (UT Arlington) |
Room 2: A Content Analysis of JNEL | Hunter Goodman (Researcher and Consultant), Michael Taylor (Seton Hall University), Heather Carpenter (Louisiana State University), Norman Dolch (Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership), Roseanne Mirabella (Seton Hall University), Stuart Mendel (National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise), and Claudia Petrescu (Kansas State University) |
Session 3, 2:00 PM – 2:55 PM (EDT)
This session is comprised of individual presentations. Click the hyperlink at the top of each column to connect to the Zoom room.
Room 1:
Session Chair – John Casey, Baruch College CUNY |
Learning to Give: Student Philanthropy in the UK
Presented by Alison Body, University of Kent |
To What Extent are Prosocial Behaviors Enhanced When Service Learning is Combined with Endurance Based Activities in College Students
Presented by Gabrielle Rossi, Rutgers University |
How Networks, Reputation, and Gender Influence Research Consensus in Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies
Presented by Ji Ma, University of Texas at Austin |
Room 2:
Session Chair – Elise Kieffer, Murray State University |
Utilizing High Impact Pedagogical Practices Inside the Classroom and Beyond
Presented by Kelly Ann Krawczyk, Auburn University |
Video Making as High Impact Practice Integrating Videos in Nonprofit Management Education
Presented by Congrong Ouyang, Auburn University |
Developing Context Specific Curricula in Nonprofit Education and Capacity Building
Presented by Peter Weber, Auburn University |
Room 3: (passcode: NACC2021)
Session Chair – Marco Tavanti, University of San Francisco |
Nonprofit Education in Wisconsin: Utilizing the Strengths of Academic Centers
Presented by Carol Brunt, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
Entrepreneurs Needed Revenue Diversity in Nonprofit Academic Programs and Centers
Presented by Alicia Schatteman, Northern Illinois University |
Session 4, 3:00 PM – 3:55 PM (EDT)
This session is comprised of a panel and a round table discussion. Click the hyperlink at the top of each column to connect to the Zoom room of the event you would like to attend.
Room 1: Round Table on Expanding Research Horizons and Conventions | Session Moderator: Jeannie Fox, Hamline University |
Room 2: Nonprofit Management Resilience Education | Session Moderator: Stuart Mendel, National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise |
Speed Networking Tables, something something. Use the Airmeet link (THIS LINK) to network/pitch your research.
Stay afterward for a second NACC prize drawing! You still have a chance to win!
Direct all questions to Nicole Collier, Executive Director of NACC
Special thanks to our in house web developer, Ginny Barr
A special thanks to our Summer Summit hosts and sponsors! Thank you for your continued support!