Greetings from the Executive Director: November 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University


Everything is totally calm here in College Station! (a little football and leadership humor for anyone who may have heard news about Texas A&M). I hope you are all doing well and had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday. I wanted to thank everyone who attended our annual member meeting or who stopped by to say hi during ARNOVA’s conference in Orlando! I had a great time meeting with so many of you during our member meeting, discussing what is going on at your programs and chatting about the latest events with NACC.

I wanted to take this chance to thank several of our board members whose board service officially ended at our member meeting.

  • John Casey, Baruch College CUNY
  • David Springer, University of Texas Austin
  • Alicia Schatteman, Northern Illinois University
  • Renee Irvin, University of Oregon

Thank you for all you have done! I will miss seeing you each month.

The meeting also marked the end of Dr. Will Brown’s term as President of the board. I wanted to thank him for his hard work and dedication to NACC. While he will still be on the board as our Immediate Past-President (and he works down the hall from me, so he couldn’t escape NACC if he tried), I wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for his work and dedication.

Finally, I wanted to welcome our newest board members as the year begins! We are incredibly fortunate to welcome four new people to our board.

Our Board Officers for 2024

  • Angela Logan, President, University of Notre Dame
  • Heather Carpenter, President-Elect, Louisiana State University Shreveport
  • Signe Bell, Vice President for Membership, University of Delaware
  • Peter Weber, Vice President for Governance, Auburn University
  • Robert Fischer, Treasurer, Case Western University
  • Alex Skailes, Secretary, City University of London
  • Will Brown, Past President, Texas A&M University

I hope you will all join me in thanking our outgoing board members and welcoming our newest members. You can always see our board of directors on our website.

Wishing you all the best!

By |2023-11-28T12:37:42-05:00November 28th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Fundraising Theory and Excellence

Dr. Ruth K. Hansen and Dr. Genevieve G. Shaker
Dr. Ruth K. Hansen

Dr. Ruth K. Hansen
Assistant Professor, Nonprofit Management
Director, Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies
College of Business and Economics
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Dr. Genevieve G. Shaker

Dr. Genevieve G. Shaker
Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies
Donald A. Campbell Chair in Fundraising Leadership
Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy


Fundraising Theory and Excellence
Dr. Ruth K. Hansen and Dr. Genevieve G. Shaker

Theory in Fundraising, a book chapter by Dr. Ruth K. Hansen, NACC board member, Assistant Professor, and Director of the Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, discusses how theory can help us better understand how and why fundraising happens. Featured in Achieving Excellence in Fundraising (5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2022) and The Fundraising Reader (1st Edition, Routledge, 2023) the chapter introduces four theoretical frameworks used to explain aspects of fundraising, especially relating to donor relations and engagement. Fundraisers function as boundary spanners within open systems to acquire and maintain resources for their charities. Donated gifts often contain social elements of reciprocity, which must be negotiated. Donors often make gifts that are consistent with their own values and identities. By understanding donors’ expectations, fundraisers can increase the nonprofit’s perceived salience, legitimacy, and trustworthiness. Readers are encouraged to apply different theoretical lenses to their own practice to generate further insights.

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, co-edited by Dr. Genevieve G. Shaker, NACC board member and Associate Professor, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, has long been the go-to reference for fundraising principles, concepts, and techniques. Topics include donor motivations and behaviors, engaging donors at all levels, inclusive and ethical fundraising, and more, with contributions from noted experts in the field. You’ll gain insight into the practice of fundraising and the fundraising cycle, reinforced by discussion questions, application exercises, and research-based recommendations.

This 5th edition of Achieving Excellence in Fundraising is reimagined to meet the needs of today’s fundraisers, their nonprofit employers, and the causes they serve, while maintaining key concepts that stand the test of time. Compelling and timely topics new to this edition include donor-advised funds, crowdfunding, raising money in challenging times, fundraising for social advocacy, and more. The needs of fundraising educators are also a central consideration in the book’s organization and contents.

Ruth K. Hansen, PhD, is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s College of Business and Economics, and director of the Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies. She teaches classes in nonprofit organizations, fundraising, organizational behavior, and research methods. Her research focuses on the theory and practice of fundraising, and equity and inclusion in resource mobilization. Dr. Hansen has more than 20 years’ professional experience as a fundraiser, and is a former board member of AFP-Chicago. Recent publications include “Applying a stakeholder management approach to ethics in charitable fundraising,” published in the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing and “Gary Neighborhood House: Managing mission and uncertainty in the Civil Rights era,” in the edited volume Hoosier Philanthropy. She contributed the chapter “Theory in Fundraising,” to the new edition of Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, which was featured on Bill Stanczykiewicz’s First Day Podcast from The Fundraising School. Her research with Dr. Lauren Dula on fundraising appeal letters, supported by the AFP Foundation, is the subject of a recent article in Advancing Philanthropy.

Genevieve G. Shaker, PhD, is associate professor of philanthropic studies at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and adjunct professor of liberal arts and of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI.

She was an advancement officer for 20 years, most recently as associate dean for development and external affairs for the School of Liberal Arts, where she facilitated communications and marketing, alumni programming, and public events as well as fundraising, overseeing the school’s $20 million-dollar contribution to an overall $3.9 billion university-wide campaign.

Professor Shaker’s research focuses on fundraising and fundraisers, workplace philanthropy, philanthropy education, and higher education advancement—including faculty work and the public good as well as philanthropic practices within higher education. Her current projects include explorations of the fundraising profession, relationships between donors and fundraisers, studies intended to generate new information about workplace giving in the United States, and continued examination of how higher education contributes to the global common good.

By |2023-11-28T12:29:46-05:00November 28th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report

Laura Deitrick, University of San Diego
Dr. Laura Deitrick, University of San Diego

Dr. Laura Deitrick
Interim Co-Executive Director, The Nonprofit Institute; Professor of Practice, Department of Leadership Studies; NLM Program Director, School of Leadership and Education Sciences
University of San Diego

2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report

Meschen, Connelly; Young, Emily; Tinkler, Tessa; Deitrick, Laura; and Durnford, Jon, “2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report” (2023). State of Nonprofits in San Diego. 20.

San Diego County is home to a growing and dynamic nonprofit sector working on the frontlines to serve families and communities while also advancing innovative solutions to the region’s most urgent challenges. To support the community and regional leaders to be informed partners with the nonprofit sector, the 2023 State of Nonprofits and Philanthropy Annual Report provides relevant and current information on the health and impact of the sector. The report draws from over a decade of quarterly public opinion polling of San Diego residents and a survey of local nonprofit leaders, combined with the latest nonprofit data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the California Employment Development Department (EDD). This year’s data document a thriving nonprofit sector that is very much in need of ongoing support to sustain and enhance its capacity to address the pressing problems facing the San Diego County region.

Dr. Laura Deitrick serves as the Director of the Nonprofit Leadership and Management graduate program and as the Associate Director of The Nonprofit Institute at the University of San Diego. She has been a nonprofit executive director, board member, management consultant, and researcher on major nonprofit trends. Her research has led to important reports on nonprofit ethics, nonprofits and public education, nonprofit human resource practices, executive transition, the economics of San Diego and California’s nonprofit sector, nonprofit public confidence, and regional grantmaking. She served as the principal investigator for Nonprofit Academy, an award-winning capacity building project co-created by the Nonprofit Institute and The City of San Diego.

Dr. Deitrick is a faculty member in the Department of Leadership Studies where she teaches nonprofit management, organizational theory, program design, and evaluation. In2021, she was recognized as the department’s outstanding faculty member. Since 2019, Dr. Deitrick has served on the board of directors for Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI). She is also the co-author of Cases in Nonprofit Management: A Hands-on Approach to Problem Solving, published by Sage publications.

By |2023-11-21T15:41:55-05:00November 20th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

New Board Member Feature: Nathan Grasse

Nathan Grasse, Carleton University
Dr. Nathan Grasse

Dr. Nathan Grasse
Associate Professor
School of Public Policy & Administration
Carleton University

New Board Member Feature: Nathan Grasse

Nathan Grasse is an Associate Professor in the Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (MPNL) program at Carleton University. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BS), a Master of Public Administration (MPA), and a PhD in Political Science, all from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States. His academic focus primarily revolves around the governance of public-serving organizations, highlighting the connections between governance and financial management. This encompasses a detailed study of revenue structures, the influence of organizational and environmental factors, and how strategic choices impact financial health and other organizational outcomes.

Dr. Grasse’s expertise includes nonprofit finance and financial management, governance and leadership, and strategic management. He emphasizes the critical role of charities in addressing social issues, enhancing representation, and delivering services in communities. Recognizing the challenges these organizations face in financial management and governance, particularly due to a reliance on historical or anecdotal information, his work aims to expand knowledge in these areas. This focus is vital for the effective management of charitable organizations, providing them with more robust frameworks and guidelines to improve their decision-making processes.

By |2023-11-20T15:09:15-05:00November 20th, 2023|NACC Announcement|

Developing Sustainability in Organizations: A Values-Based Approach

Dr. Marco Tavanti, University of San Francisco
Dr. Marco Tavanti, University of San Francisco

Dr. Marco Tavanti
Professor of Leadership
MNA Program Director

School of Management
University of San Francisco

Developing Sustainability in Organizations: A Values-Based Approach

Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2023

This book explores the historical, foundational, and applied elements of sustainability theory and practice as relevant to the leadership, management, and innovation of organizations, companies, and enterprises. It provides analytical and critical reviews of the current evolution of sustainability for people, planet, prosperity, innovation, and impact.

Divided into four parts, the work offers an integrated model of development for creating and delivering sustainability values at the personal, organizational, societal, and environmental levels. The different sections examine sustainability leadership (focusing on of ethics, values, and purpose), sustainability management (focusing on organizational effectiveness and stakeholders’ wellbeing), sustainability innovation (focusing on social and environmental entrepreneurship), and sustainability impact (focusing on resilience, interconnectedness, consciousness, systemic thinking, and cosmic empathy for the common good and common future).

Combining theoretical and practical applications that give the reader a deeper, scientific, and critical understanding of the urgent, complex, and necessary values for a sustainable future for all, this comprehensive text is a must-read for researchers and students alike, providing a framework for effective globally responsible leadership.

Dr. Marco Tavanti is a sustainability and leadership international scholar whose experience stretches over 30 years and whose work has taken him to more than 18 countries in Europe, East Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Dr. Tavanti’s teaching in sustainable development, leadership ethics, intercultural diversity, and NGO management is grounded in Jesuit values and his scholarship is an embodiment of the University’s mission to be of service to humankind.

Dr. Tavanti is a systems thinker whose scholarship aims at providing practical and integrated solutions to issues in international development and poverty reduction. His research methods are participatory in nature and directed at building international capacity in leaders, organizations, and institutions. Through his teaching he inspires globally engaged leaders while building professional capacity through international managerial skills across sectors.

He is President of the Sustainable Capacity International Institute (SCII-ONLUS) and CEO of its subsidiary He is co-founder of the World Engagement Institute (WEI), an international organization providing capacity development services for sustainable human security. He designed and directed various professional training programs on sustainable community development, indigenous human rights, anti-human trafficking and refugee service management. He has been consulting and collaborating with United Nations agencies such as the Development Programme (UNDP), the Global Compact (UNGC), the Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Through his engagement with the UN Global Compact he contributed to the development of the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By |2023-11-20T12:32:53-05:00November 20th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

Assistant Professor in Public Administration, Nonprofit Management

The Auburn University Department of Political Science is seeking a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Public Administration to begin August 16, 2024. Candidates must be able to offer courses in-person and online at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in public administration and nonprofit management. Candidates should be broadly trained in public administration and/or nonprofit management.

They are seeking individuals who can contribute extensively to the MPA Program’s Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Organizations and Community Governance, the Graduate Certificate in Global Public Service, and undergraduate public administration courses. In addition, the individual should be able to teach courses in the core curriculum in the Master of Public Administration Program (NASPAA accredited). The standard teaching load is two courses per semester for at least the first three years of appointment.

By |2023-11-21T15:48:34-05:00November 15th, 2023|Job Posting|
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