Greetings from the Executive Director: September 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director

Nicole Collier, MPSA
Executive Director, NACC
Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University


I hope that you are doing well and are enjoying students being back on campus! Here in Texas, I am excited for so many reasons. Firstly, after enduring a grueling 49-day stretch of temperatures consistently reaching at least 100 degrees, we’ve finally experienced some relief with highs around 95 degrees for the past few days—hooray for cooler weather! I’m also excited that with students back on campus, we have opened applications for our Honor Society, Nu Lambda Mu, to celebrate the exceptional students that are dedicated to nonprofit and philanthropic education.

I hope you’ve all marked your calendars for our upcoming annual member meeting on November 15th, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, or accessible online via Zoom. We’re currently finalizing the agenda and eagerly anticipating engaging discussions, as well as the opportunity to hear about your achievements over the past year.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed to our July Conference in Auburn, Alabama. I would especially like to thank our hosts at Auburn University for being excellent hosts. I had an incredible experience and enjoyed the thought-provoking and meaningful panels, discussions, and presentations that took place. It was nice to see the NACC network come back together in-person!

Wishing you all the best!

By |2023-09-25T11:02:59-04:00September 25th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Research Manager

The Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University seeks to understand, strengthen, and advance philanthropy in order to create strong, inclusive communities. Its Center for Scholarly & Creative Excellence is seeking a Research Manager to join an interdisciplinary team of social science and information technology professionals. This is a full-time (40 hours per week) position with the center’s Community Data and Research Lab, located at our offices on the Pew Campus at GVSU, with the opportunity for flexible work arrangements according to the GVSU remote work policy (see Salary and Benefits and ADA sections below).

As a Research Manager, you will focus on program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative analysis, writing, and presentation support for applied research and evaluation projects.

The Research Manager works collaboratively with research associates, data analysts, and web developers at the lab as well as staff across the Johnson Center. In addition, the Research Manager builds relationships with current and potential clients and engages in public speaking and facilitation at workshops, presentations, and conferences. Key to the position is maintaining the highest standards of research quality and ethics, including collaboration with the university’s Institutional Review Board.

In addition, the Research Manager proposes research methodology (including alternative and equitable approaches to evaluation and participation), follows existing Johnson Center data protocols, suggests and implements improvements, and serves as an internal and external “evaluation ambassador” for the Johnson Center.

The Research Manager will regularly meet one-on-one with the Director of the Community Data and Research Lab, who will work closely with you and support you regarding project selection, client engagement, research, and final presentation. On-the-job training and professional development opportunities will be available.

By |2023-09-19T15:39:39-04:00September 19th, 2023|Job Posting|

Navigating the Future of Charitable Leadership

Alex Skailes, Centre for Charity Effectiveness
Alex Skailes, Director, Centre for Charity Effectiveness

Alex Skailes
Director, Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE)
Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), Faculty of Management
City, University of London

Bayes Business School logo

The past decade has witnessed a whirlwind of change and uncertainty across the globe. Despite these challenges, the UK’s charitable sector has continued to make significant contributions to the philanthropic field. To thrive in this ever-evolving landscape, charity leaders must continue to adapt and develop, meeting the cascading demands of their roles.

A pioneering research project, led by the Centre for Charity Effectiveness (CCE) at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, University of London, is taking a proactive stance by investigating the critical attributes that charity Chairs of the future will need to embrace. This ambitious initiative brings together a diverse array of thought leaders and experts in the sector to delve into this vital topic. The research methodology encompasses roundtable discussions and in-depth interviews with contributors, culminating in a thought-provoking report set to be launched in Spring/Summer 2024.

The Bayes Centre for Charity Effectiveness leads this project, with funding from the Higher Education Innovation Fund, additional sponsorship from Green Park Recruitment and support from strategic partners including the Association of Chairs and Crowe UK LLP.

Research Objectives and Impact

This research project has set forth several key objectives:

  • Shaping Future Leadership: The project aims to provide insights that will shape the future development and recruitment of charity Chairs, ensuring they possess the requisite skills and attributes.
  • Sustainability and Governance: By highlighting long-term considerations for board discussions, the research contributes to the future sustainability and impact of the charity sector.
  • Influencing Best Practices: The findings intend to inform regulatory measures and best practice guidelines within the sector, emphasizing the ever-evolving nature of charity governance.
  • Value of Governance: The project underscores the critical value of effective charity governance, emphasizing its continuous evolution to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.

A Decade of Change: Anticipating the Future Charity Chair in 2033 and Beyond

The journey of the CCE Future Charity Chair steering committee commenced in July 2023, when representatives from diverse charitable organizations convened to share their invaluable insights and experiences. Reflecting on the past decade and the profound changes witnessed, the workshop sparked discussions about the skills and attributes necessary for future charity Chairs in 2033 and beyond.

The decade between 2013 and 2023 brought seismic shifts that reshaped our world. From political transitions to technological advancements, the pace of change was relentless. We adapted to living in a state of perpetual crisis, moving from one transformative event to another. This relentless change underscores the need for the charity sector to thrive amid uncertainty, making it crucial to explore and understand the evolving role of charity Chairs.

A pivotal workshop with Good Innovation provided an opportunity to examine the disruptive elements likely to impact the sector. Representatives from various charities engaged in fruitful discussions, touching on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, climate challenges, funding dynamics, stakeholder expectations, and regulatory changes. While the sector’s diversity remains evident, common threads emerged, offering valuable insights.

Key takeaways from the workshop include the evolving nature of leadership, with discussions on movements, networks, and collaborative and generative leadership. Sustainability, succession planning, and the focus on collective impact were also central themes. Emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and ongoing personal development were highlighted, as was the importance of trust-building, vulnerability, and team empowerment. The necessity for increased diversity was recognized, including a focus on less visible forms of diversity. The increasing importance of creating social value from outside of the sector was also part of the debate, with more corporate entities seemingly entering the space once uniquely occupied by charities.

As this research project advances, with individual interviews and further roundtables, these initial findings and reflections will be explored in greater depth. For those interested in contributing or learning more, please keep an eye on the project’s website.

NACC Member Representative

Alex Skailes is a senior academic within the faculty of management and Director at the Bayes Centre for Charity Effectiveness (

Alex is an experienced strategy and finance director with a successful track record of advising and leading clients in the nonprofit and private sectors. She believes passionately in the power of cross sector working. Alex has combined the first class skills and expertise gained from her earlier senior career with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deutsche Bank with a period of post graduate academic study and consulting work focusing specifically on the nonprofit sector. As a result of her cross sector experiences, she is able to harness best business practise and strong commercial experience with leading edge thinking for a sector that is currently undergoing transformation.

Alex specialises in strategic and business planning, feasibility and options studies. She teaches and co-leads the main core module ‘Resource Management in the Voluntary Sector’ on the MSc Charities programme. She has a particular interest in mergers, collaborations and sustainable business models and was a founder member of the mergers and collaborations advisory group within Bayes’ Centre for Charity Effectiveness (Bayes CCE) in 2014. In 2018 Alex joined the Executive PhD programme. Her research focuses on merger and acquisitions within the social purpose organisations, an exploration of the resultant social value created and the factors that drive this form of organisational change.

As a Director at Bayes CCE, Alex leads the team of core directors and associate consultants. The team are expert in nonprofit management, have senior cross sector career experience and come from both practitioner and academic backgrounds. The Centre is a leading nonprofit and philanthropy centre in the UK and overseas and delivers a world class blend of postgraduate master (MSc) degree programmes, research, consultancy and leadership development programmes both in the UK and overseas.

Alex is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (FCA), holds their post graduate diploma in charity accounting and has an MSc with distinction from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) in Voluntary Sector Management. She holds a BA from University College, London. Alex is a Fellow of both the Royal Society for Arts, Manufacturing and Commerce and the Royal Geographical Society and is a Freeman of the City of London. She is on the finance and audit committee of The Seckford Foundation, former Chair of Community Action Suffolk and is a member of the International Women’s Forum UK branch.

By |2023-09-20T09:22:21-04:00September 19th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

Never not Organizing: Long Resistance and the Fight Against Gentrification in Pilsen, Chicago

Dr. Euan Hague, DePaul University
Dr. Winifred Curran

Dr. Winifred Curran
Professor, Urban Geographer
Geography and GIS, Sustainable Urban Development
School of Public Service
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

DePaul University

Dr. Euan Hague

Dr. Euan Hague
Professor, Director of School of Public Service
Geography and GIS, Sustainable Urban Development
School of Public Service
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
DePaul University

Never not Organizing: Long Resistance and the Fight Against Gentrification in Pilsen, Chicago
Winifred Curran and Euan Hague

A Research Agenda for Gentrification (2023) | Edited by Winifred Curran and Leslie Kern, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited

Resistance is not about any one project or tactic, but rather is a constellation of practices and events that creates an alternative of what a neighborhood could be and who it should serve. This requires what we call “long resistance,” a sustained and multi-faceted engagement with community-building and contestation that utilizes a full array of tools in the community organizing toolbox, from direct action to electoral politics. In Never not Organizing, Winifred Curran and Euan Hague, Professors at DePaul University, illustrate one such case of long resistance by detailing the history of struggle at one site in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, a predominantly Mexican-American neighborhood on the lower west side. Through decades of activism around housing justice, activists have reshaped the conversation around urban development, leading to successful organization against market rate housing and the city’s commitment to build affordable housing on the site.

Offering a new theoretical framework for understanding gentrification and displacement, A Research Agenda for Gentrification focuses on resistance as the central research area in this subject field. Arguing that the future of gentrification research should focus on accomplishing the end of gentrification, chapters provide practical organizing and policy strategies using international case studies which are rooted in community-based research.

Dr. Winifred Curran is an urban geographer. Her research has focused on understanding the effects of gentrification on the urban landscape, looking at labor, industrial retention, policing, environmental gentrification and the gendering of urban policy. She is the author if Gender and Gentrification (Routledge 2018) and co-editor, with Trina Hamilton, of Just Green Enough: Urban Development and Environmental Gentrification.

Professor Euan Hague is a cultural and urban geographer with interests in gentrification, urban activism, Confederate commemoration, and cultural relationships between Scotland and America. His work examines how Chicago’s cultural and urban landscapes have developed historically and are continuing to change and he lives in that city where he regularly engages in community-based research and collaboration with local non-profit organizations. Dr. Hague’s recent work includes partnerships with the Pilsen Alliance, the Chicago Furniture Bank, and the DC-based food justice organization, Roots for Life.

By |2023-09-18T17:07:31-04:00September 13th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

ASU Lodestar Center Welcomes New Nonprofit Leadership and Management Faculty

Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation

ASU Lodestar Center Welcomes New Nonprofit Leadership and Management Faculty

The Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation welcomes two new faculty members to its nonprofit leadership and management faculty. Each has an appointment in the ASU Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions within the School of Community Resources & Development.

We welcome:

Dr. Megan Pontes

Dr. Megan Pontes
Assistant Teaching Professor
Arizona State University Lodestar Center

Megan joins ASU as an Assistant Teaching Professor teaching nonprofit leadership and management. She has a BS in Business Administration from the College of Charleston, MBA from the University of Florida, and a PhD in Leadership Studies focused in nonprofit and philanthropic leadership from the University of San Diego. She also holds a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of San Diego. Megan has 13 years of experience in the financial sector and has years of experience as a board member, staff, and volunteer within the nonprofit sector. Her research interests include nonprofit advocacy for social change, philanthropy, board governance, and social enterprise.

Dr. Danbi Seo

Danbi Seo
Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Management
School of Community Resources and Development
Arizona State University

Danbi Seo is an Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Management in the School of Community Resources and Development at the Arizona State University. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Public Affairs from the University of Minnesota and Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Seoul National University, South Korea. She studies nonprofit and public management, collaboration, resourcing, leadership, and organization theory, using qualitative and process-oriented research approaches. Her work has been published in major journals and book chapters, including Public Management Review, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Public Performance and Management Review, and Policy & Politics. Before joining ASU, she worked at various centers, including the Public and Nonprofit Leadership Center and the Shared Leadership Lab at the University of Minnesota, and the Asia Development Institute at the Seoul National University. She has worked with a group of nonprofit organizations and a collaboration in Minnesota as a developmental evaluator since 2015.

By |2023-09-13T13:18:33-04:00September 13th, 2023|Member News|

Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at Assistant Professor Level

University of Oregon invites you to join our faculty! Two tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level are open for candidates who can teach in the Public Policy, Public Administration, or Nonprofit Management fields. One position is for scholars who may have a current or future research interest in environmental administration and the other position is for scholars who may have a current or future research interest in housing and homelessness solutions. Both positions are in the School of Planning, Public Policy & Management, which hosts accredited masters degrees in public administration and nonprofit management, a competitive undergraduate major, and a doctoral program. The School is located on the beautiful Eugene, Oregon campus. Oregon is a welcoming state and we actively seek scholars who can serve our diverse student body. If you have questions about either position, we encourage you to contact the search chair, Prof. Dyana Mason (

By |2023-09-19T09:55:43-04:00September 1st, 2023|Job Posting|
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