Visiting Faculty in Public Policy and Nonprofit Management

University of Oregon is hiring!

We welcome applicants for a visiting professor position in Public Policy/Nonprofit Management. The start date is either September 16 2023 or January 2, 2024, depending on the candidate’s availability.

Candidates with an interest in this position should carefully review the courses listed on the position announcement. Please contact Prof. Ben Clark (Director, School of Planning, Public Policy & Management, with any questions.

By |2023-07-18T14:05:12-04:00June 30th, 2023|Job Posting|

University of Denver University College Receives NACC Accreditation

University of Denver, University College

Ellen Winiarczyk, Ed.D.
Academic Director and Assistant Teaching Faculty
Master’s and Certificate Program in Nonprofit Leadership
University of Denver, University College

University of Denver University College Receives NACC Accreditation

We are delighted to announce the University of Denver University College has been officially accredited by NACC. This accreditation is a testament to their commitment to providing high-quality education and dedication to meeting the evolving needs of our students in nonprofit academia. We extend our congratulations to the faculty and staff for their efforts in achieving this significant milestone.

NACC Accreditation fosters third sector academic programs world-wide, including nonprofit and NGO studies and management, social entrepreneurship, social-purpose organizations leadership, and philanthropy studies and management, all with curriculum which places the civil sector at the center of the curricular perspective.

Visit the NACC Accreditation webpage to learn more about eligibility requirements, the accreditation process, and to view accredited programs.

By |2023-06-20T10:28:21-04:00June 19th, 2023|Accreditation News|

Message from the President: June 2023

William A. Brown, NACC President

William A. Brown
President, NACC
Professor, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Director, Center for Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Director, Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
Holder of the Mary Julia and George Jordan Professorship
Texas A&M University

Greetings and happy summer!

We are excited about the upcoming 2023 Biennial Conference in Auburn, Alabama! We look forward to welcoming many of you to this highly anticipated event. NACC’s biennial conference brings together a global network of researchers and practitioners for discussion, reflection, and sharing of research, resources and best practices surrounding nonprofit/NGO and Philanthropic Studies in higher education. With a lineup of excellent sessions, it promises to be a fantastic opportunity to expand your knowledge and reconnect with old friends.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Peter Weber and Kelly Krawczyk for graciously hosting us on their beautiful campus. Their generosity has made this event possible, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Thanks as well to the conference sponsors!!

At a time when nonprofit education programs in higher education are facing unique challenges, this conference aims to address how our programs can connect to the world, celebrate diversity, and build resiliency in our Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies Curricula. The roles and functions of nonprofits as service providers, community organizers, and policy actors are crucial in strengthening the core features of our society, and it’s vital that we come together to explore innovative educational approaches.

The nonprofit landscape is continuously evolving, with the number and diversity of organizations steadily growing. However, we are witnessing a decline in volunteerism and philanthropic participation. Simultaneously, the higher education environment has become increasingly competitive and intricate as student demand has shifted and, in some cases, even declined.

Join us in Auburn this July for a stimulating conversation that delves into these crucial topics. We anticipate a vibrant exchange of ideas and perspectives that will shape the future of nonprofit education programs in higher education. And just for fun I used ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, to provide suggestions and assistance in crafting this essay!

Mark your calendars and make sure to be a part of this incredible event!

All the best,

Signature, William A. Brown

By |2023-06-19T11:56:16-04:00June 19th, 2023|President's Message|

Women’s Contributions to Development in West Africa: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives

Kelly Ann Krawczyk, Auburn University

Visit to Liberia

Kelly Ann Krawczyk
Associate Professor
Program Director, PhD in Public Administration & Public Policy
Program Director, Political Science
Auburn University

Women’s Contributions to Development in West Africa: Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives
Palgrave Macmillan Singapore, 2023

“This edited volume zooms-in on the human-centric aspects of sustainable development, illuminating the various barriers that women in West African countries face in social, economic, and political spheres … The many lessons drawn from this work offer practical insights and ideas for future research that are applicable to a variety of developing democracy contexts beyond the African continent.”

—Alisa Moldavanova, University of Delaware, USA

Women’s Contributions to Development in West Africa, edited by Kelly Ann Krawczyk and Bridgett A. King (Auburn University), examines women’s participation in social, economic, and political development in West Africa. The book looks at women from the premise of being active agents in the development processes within their communities, thereby subverting the dominate narrative of women as passive recipients of development.

The volume features all women contributors from the global North and South. It illuminates women’s significant contributions to development in West Africa and provides insights for the future. The book offers a valuable resource for students, academics, practitioners, and policymakers.

Kelly Ann Krawczyk’s research investigates the potential role of civil society in promoting democracy and development. She examines how civil society can foster sustainable development in local communities, and the role of civil society in strengthening democracy and increasing civic engagement. She is specifically interested in how civil society impacts political behavior. Her research has been published in journals of public administration, civil society, and local governance, including Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, and the Journal of Civil Society. Her co-edited volume, Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: The Contributions of Women to Development in West Africa (2023) is available from Palgrave Macmillan. She has also authored book chapters, as well as governmental and professional publications for the Governance Commission of Liberia and the World Bank.

Krawczyk teaches graduate and undergraduate courses at Auburn University on a wide range of nonprofit topics, including Nonprofit Law & Governance, Nonprofit Management, and International Nongovernmental Organizations. She also teaches graduate courses in public administration and nonprofit management in the MPA and Ph.D. programs. She is currently serving as the Ph.D. Program Director.

Krawczyk earned her Ph.D. in political science and a Masters in Public Administration from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Before beginning an academic career, Kelly worked with a wide range of nonprofit organizations, both domestic and international, and has applied experience in nonprofit management and leadership, governance, capacity building, fundraising and development, volunteer and event management, and proposal writing. She designs and delivers outreach initiatives in West Africa, including curricular design and implementation of training and professional development workshops, impact evaluations and assessments, policy analysis and recommendations. She served as an international election observer for multiple national elections in Liberia and Ghana. She has also worked with The World Bank Group in Liberia on projects related to decentralization and civil society. She is a Founding Committee Member of the Strengthening Research on Civil Society in West Africa project, an initiative of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), funded by the Ford Foundation.

By |2023-06-14T14:38:08-04:00June 14th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

Managing for Social Justice: Harnessing Management Theory and Practice for Collective Good

Latha Poonamallee, Milano School, The New School
Dr. Latha Poonamallee

Latha Poonamallee
Associate Professor of Management and Social Innovation
Chair of Management Programs
Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment
The New School

Managing for Social Justice: Harnessing Management Theory and Practice for Collective Good
Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2023

This book, edited by Latha Poonamallee, Anita D. Howard (Case Western Reserve University), and Simy Joy (Indian Institute of Management) introduces a preliminary, integrative conceptual framework on the intersections between management and social justice with a view that the quest for social justice is not an endpoint rather an ongoing journey. With contributions from management scholars and practitioners, it highlights, examines, and explores the continuities and discontinuities, gains and losses, and struggles and successes in this quest for reimagining organizations as sites and vehicles for advancing social justice in the world.

To nurture and facilitate flourishing individuals and collectives, we need bolder, more innovative, and more creative models of engagement. Further, we need models for speaking and learning from different perspectives and building common ground through shared values of equity, connectivity, and compassion and moral expansiveness while recognizing the complexities of the world we inhabit via our organizations and the need to develop nuanced understandings of the same.

Contributing authors address questions such as: Are social justice and management mutually exclusive concepts? How can we draw on effective management for advancing social justice aims? How do we bend the arc of organizational life towards more justice? What are the rights and obligations of organizations and their members to the world at large, and to their local communities and societies?

Through its re-imagining of organizations and management as vehicles for social justice instead of just as tools of oppression, injustice, or regressive organizing in an extractive economy, this book brings together critical and positive organizational approaches challenging fundamental assumptions about how our society, people’s collectives, and workplaces are organized with capacity building, incremental change, sustained change, institutionalized change, dynamic ongoing problem-solving/ assessment/ redesign, and more.

Management scholars will learn the nuanced and complex intersections between management theories and practice and different types of justice/injustice in a global context both as antecedents to modern organizations and workplaces and the ways in which these intersectional actors advance and change the organizations and workplaces of the future.

Dr. Poonamallee is a tenured Associate Professor of Management & Social Innovation and Chair of the Faculty of Management at the Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment & School of Undergraduate Studies, and University Fellow at The New School.

She works on two major research areas both focused on how management, organizations, and leadership can be vehicles to create a more sustainable, prosperous, just, and equitable world.

She serves as Editor in Chief of the Society of Advancement of Management Journal, a preeminent journal that has been published for over 75 years. She also received a Fulbright Scholarship to assist Botswana government, USAID, and Botswana Civil Society in developing a nation-wide social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

She is also the co-founder and Chairperson of In-Med Prognostics, a neuroscience firm that uses AI and Deep Tech to develop brain health predictive analytics. This firm has received accolades such as the Falling Walls Conference (Germany), BIRAC grant (Government of India grant), and GE Health Care’s Edison Startup Collaboration Venture.

Dr. Poonamallee received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University, M.B.A. from Pondicherry University, and B.A. and M.A. from University of Madras.

By |2023-06-14T13:45:38-04:00June 14th, 2023|NACC Member Research|

Case Management Systems and New Routines in Community Organisations

Craig Furneaux, Queensland University of Technology
Dr. Craig Furneaux

Craig Furneaux
Associate Professor
Faculty of Business & Law
School of Accountancy
Queensland University of Technology

Case Management Systems and New Routines in Community Organisations
Financial Accountability & Management, 39(1), pp. 216-236

Case Management Systems and New Routines in Community Organisations, published by Craig Furneaux, Ogan Yigitbasioglu (QUT), and Sari Rossi (QUT), is a multiple-case study that examines the adoption of a case management system (CMS) across two community organisations in Australia using organizational routines as a theoretical lens. Both the adopters and the vendor were interviewed to explore how the CMS was instituted in the adopting organisations.

Many of the concerns or problems associated with a CMS as reported in the literature were not supported in this study. Although the two cases differed significantly in terms of size and resources, the findings show that the adoption of CMS led to new ostensive and performative routines around data collection and service delivery in both organisations. This had implications for accountability and organisational learning. In particular, better access to data improved visibility and reporting on the provision of services and subsequently supported fundraising.

This study also highlights some of the situational factors that facilitate or impede the transition to a CMS such as the critical role of the CMS administrator and the way the change is managed in adopting organisations. Overall, this study contributes to the discourse on CMS by providing some evidence to support a more nuanced view of CMS including as ‘systems of accountability’ or even a ‘necessity’ of the digital age rather than merely as ‘instruments of neoliberal policy’ and enablers of bureaucratisation of social work.

Dr. Craig Furneaux is an Associate Professor with the School of Accountancy, Faculty of Business and Law at Queensland University of Technology. He is also Subject Area Coordinator for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies and is a member of the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies. Craig has over 30 years’ experience leading innovation in, and researching with, nonprofit organisations. Craig research focus is on accountability, capability and change in nonprofits organisations and social enterprises. He is also interested in faith-based charities in civil society. More of his research is available for free here.

By |2023-06-20T10:29:30-04:00June 14th, 2023|NACC Member Research|
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