Fellowship Offers $5,000 to Support Research on Women’s Philanthropy

Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy accepting applications through May 31

Applications are currently being accepted for the Debra Mesch Doctoral Fellowship for Research on Women’s Philanthropy. The one-year, $5,000 fellowship supports doctoral dissertation research and writing that contributes to understanding of women’s philanthropy or gender differences in philanthropic behavior.

Ph.D. candidates from accredited graduate schools who have successfully completed their coursework and defended their dissertation proposal are encouraged to apply. The application deadline for the 2023 fellowship is May 31.

The Debra Mesch Doctoral Fellowship for Research on Women’s Philanthropy advances research to expand the base of knowledge on women’s philanthropy. Since 2009, the fellowship has supported emerging scholars in a range of academic disciplines, such as philanthropic studies, nonprofit management, higher education, economics, history, anthropology and religious studies.

Previous fellowship recipients have studied diverse topics, including Jewish women’s philanthropy and social change, women’s philanthropy initiatives at higher education institutions, the gender composition of nonprofit boards, and the history of gospel rescue missions.

Last year’s fellowship recipient, Anaïs Faurt of Rutgers University, is examining the history of child protection across five former French colonial territories between 1945 and 1989. By exploring who counted as a victim of war and whose child was worth saving, Faurt highlights the intersecting roles of gender and race in determining who should give and receive aid.

By |2023-04-26T18:41:08-04:00April 26th, 2023|Member News|

Assistant or Associate Professor / M.S., Nonprofit Administration Program Director

Institute for Nonprofit Administration & Research, Louisiana State University in Shreveport

The Institute for Nonprofit Administration & Research at Louisiana State University in Shreveport seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor who also will serve as the Program Director for the Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration.

Assistant or Associate Professor / M.S., Nonprofit Administration Program Director

The MSNPA Program Director performs under a 9-month contract overseeing a 33-hour graduate program designed to matriculate students within a year of entering the program. Teaching load is 4 courses within an academic year, including an expectation that one of those will occur during the summer term for which the PD will receive additional compensation commensurate with university policy for summer teaching. The Director will oversee the MS in Nonprofit Administration program, serving our students by (a) ensuring our curriculum remains consistently relevant and connected to Nonprofit Academic Centers Curricular Guidelines, (b) conducting coherent and instructive advising as necessary, and (c) helping assemble, develop and maintain instructors who bring exceptional insight and passion to the courses they teach. Reporting to the Executive Director of the Institute and working with the Manager of Operations/MSNPA program advisor, the MSNPA Director also will participate in connecting students to nonprofit organizations for internship and job opportunities. The Program Director is responsible to keep the MSNPA program aligned with NACC accreditation standards. There is an endowed professorship that is associated with the position.

The faculty member will be expected to be involved in service through the university, community, and profession as outlined in the Faculty Performance annual reporting done by LSUS. The departmental service expectations participating in INAR staff meetings and attending INAR-sponsored events and conferences. The faculty member also can facilitate workshops and conduct consulting through INAR (any employment or consulting outside of INAR) must be pre-approved.

In addition, the faculty member will be expected to maintain an active nonprofit-focused research agenda. The faculty member may initiate, lead, and participate in INAR-sponsored research studies and supervise two Graduate Research Assistants.

Preferred Qualifications

– Ph.D. in Nonprofit Administration, Management, Leadership (or similar)
– Strong familiarity with best practices in online, graduate-level instruction
– Previous experience as a program director, or in a coordinator capacity in a university environment
– Previous paid experience working within a nonprofit organization environment

Required Qualifications

– Terminal degree in Nonprofit Administration, or at the discretion of the Search Committee, one that is sufficiently associated with Nonprofit Administration
– Track record of scholarly research
– Demonstrated ability to teach well in an online platform as well as a traditional classroom environment


Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

How to Apply

Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, and 3 references to the Search Committee Chair, Heather Carpenter heather.carpenter@lsus.edu

About the Institute for Nonprofit Administration and Research

INAR was founded in 2001 to conduct research and disseminate knowledge about nonprofit organizations. INAR strives to elevate the future of the nonprofit sector through transformative education, impactful research, and professional development. INAR is housed in the College of Arts and Sciences at Louisiana State University Shreveport and is a member of the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council.

INAR offers several academic programs, including a Minor in Nonprofit Administration and a 100% online Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration program for graduate students with three track options. The MS in Nonprofit Administration has over 176 students from all over the United States, the majority working in or running nonprofit organizations. The program is one of twelve in the United States accredited by the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council and follows the NACC nonprofit curricular guidelines. Experienced nonprofit professionals with strong academic qualifications teach courses. In fall 2023, INAR will launch an in-person Bachelor of Science in Nonprofit Administration, and an undergraduate and graduate online certificate in nonprofit administration.

INAR conducts research to support regional and state nonprofits and specializes in customer and employee satisfaction surveys, customized promotional exams, focus groups, program evaluations, community impact studies, and more. Many projects utilize INAR’s telephone call center and web-based survey software. INAR offers professional development to regional nonprofits in partnership with LSUS continuing education through noncredit courses and certificate programs, workshops, seminars, and conferences. INAR also provides a variety of consulting activities to nonprofits including but not limited to strategic plans, grant writing, program evaluations, marketing plans, program expansion, financial sustainability, and board development.

About Louisiana State University in Shreveport (LSUS)

LSUS is the provider of more than 30 undergraduate and graduate programs to more than 9,000 students enrolled in both on-campus and online courses. The school was established in 1967 as part of the Louisiana State University system, and is located in Shreveport, Louisiana’s third largest city (400,000+ in the metropolitan statistical area according to the latest U.S. Census estimates). The city itself is situated on the Red River in the upper-west corner of the state, and within a 250-mile radius of Dallas, Houston, Baton Rouge and Little Rock. Shreveport is rich in diversity, arts, agriculture, history and southern hospitality. Its sister city to the east, Bossier City, is home to Barksdale Air Force Base where about 15,000 active and reserve servicemen and servicewomen perform their duties.

For more information about LSUS and Shreveport, interested candidates can learn more at www.lsus.edu and www.shreveport-bossier.org.

By |2023-07-18T14:01:49-04:00April 10th, 2023|Job Posting|

Greetings from the Executive Director: February 2023

Nicole Collier, NACC Executive Director


I’m sure I won’t have anything to add this month that will measure up to the lovely retrospectives shared in this edition. So instead I just have two quick reminders, and a small update in appreciation of our new student coordinator who you met last month!

  1. Nu Lambda Mu Applications are now open! Students of NACC member programs that are graduating this spring/summer (or have already graduated) are eligible to apply. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Proposals are still open for NACC’s conference at Auburn this summer! You can also register to attend using our website.

You may remember that I introduced you to NACC’s new student coordinator last month. Well, Carley is off and running! One of their fist tasks was to update our guidestar profile, and not only did they do that, but they got us to Gold! They are now working on assisting with Nu Lambda Mu, and helping me with NACC’s archives to help us better store and file NACC’s history for everyone to utilize. You can reach Carley or myself at our shared email, nacc@tamu.edu!

I am wishing you all a pleasant spring. Don’t forget to take care of yourselves!


By |2023-04-04T19:59:38-04:00April 4th, 2023|Executive Director's Report|

Essay on NACC Accreditation 2023: A Field of its Own

Stuart Mendel, NACC Accreditation Director
Affiliate Professor and Project Director for the Technology Partnership Initiative at Baldwin Wallace University

The NACC accreditation process relies on the 2015 NACC Curricular Guidelines (Ashcraft and Mendel, 2015). Those familiar with the Guidelines recall that they were developed non-proscriptively, less as an imposition for theoretical best model for instruction or knowledge transfer for the field, and more toward endorsement of nonprofit specific or nonprofit first pedagogy. In placing the Guidelines as central to NACC Accreditation, the organizers envisioned the purpose of reviews to be one of validating nonprofit management degree content fidelity; adherence to nonprofit first in the teaching and learning approach to the materials; and, that nonprofit management program design, promotional literature and knowledge transfer to students reflect a truth in advertising. This last aspect of the Accreditation purpose is a necessary “field of its own” (2014) concept such that the degrees conferred are not rebranded business or public management programs (Irwin, 2017).

As we look forward to the next generation of NACC Guidelines and the Accreditation that relies on them, these same purposes are points of importance to parse. There are several reasons.

  1. First, to confirm, rebut or suggest adjustment that NACC’s approach to accreditation centered on “truth in advertising” is sufficient grounding for past and continued endorsement of programs and degrees.
  2. Second, to test the field-building concept of program branding and sorting of those brands as might be discerned and whether such a condition is good for the field of nonprofit management. For example, would such practices – banding and sorting – advance and benefit the field of nonprofit management education and truth in advertising for consumers of nonprofit themed education or fragment, atomize or somehow diminish nonprofit management as a field of its own?
  3. Third, in reflecting on all the participating NACC Accredited programs, we observe that a three mission principle is present and pedagogical entrepreneurialism of faculty and instructors exists to accommodate those three missions. Such a condition raises interest in a nonprofit-management degree program taxonomy of programs with specialties – conceptually similar to the IRS’s categorization of nonprofit institution types. Would this also be a desirable tool to build the field?

By |2023-04-04T19:52:00-04:00April 4th, 2023|Accreditation News|

Now Accepting Applications for Online Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership

Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy

Accomplished professionals who want to make social change and who have experience leading philanthropic, business, government or other organizations can now further hone their leadership and applied research skills to address complex, real-world problems by earning their professional doctorate in philanthropic leadership.

The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI welcomes applications for its new online Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership (PhilD), the first professional, doctoral-level leadership degree in the field.

By |2023-04-04T19:38:13-04:00April 4th, 2023|Member News|

New Books for Teaching Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies

The Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent

Two new books have been published by colleagues in the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, UK. Both are written by academics with extensive practical experience and are intended as useful additions to course reading lists across the world.

As the title suggests, Rhodri Davies’ book, What is Philanthropy For? provides a broad overview of the role of philanthropy today. He notes that for centuries philanthropy has played a major role in shaping our world but it has also been the source of much debate. Allowing people to use their private assets for public good undoubtedly brings benefits to society, but it also brings challenges, so how should we understand the role of philanthropy today, and how might it need to change in the future? Rhodri draws on his deep knowledge of the past and present landscape of philanthropy, and considers the alternatives, including charity, justice, taxation, the state, democracy and the market, to examine the pressing questions that philanthropy must tackle if it is to be equal to the challenges of the 21st century.

The second new book from the team at Kent, Advising Philanthropists: Principles and Practice, has grown directly from a course of the same name that is taught within our innovative Masters degree in Philanthropic Studies. That course was co-created by Emma Beeston, who works as an independent philanthropy advisor, and Dr Beth Breeze, director of the Kent Centre for Philanthropy. The book describes the emergence of philanthropy advising as a profession, explains what these actors do based on interviews with 40 advisors working across the world (many of which are shared as first person case studies), and engages with debates such as how best advisors can interact with fundraisers and nonprofit leaders.

By |2023-04-04T19:09:25-04:00April 4th, 2023|Member News|
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