2021 Member Meeting | November 17th

Join Us For Our Annual Member Meeting!

Register now!

See a Draft Agenda Here

The 2021 NACC Member Meeting will be held in advance of the ARNOVA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Agenda items include accreditation, strategic planning, and curricular guidelines updates, .

Registration and lunch will be available at 11:30 am.

The meeting to start promptly at 12:00 pm and run until 4:30 pm.

We will continue to keep an eye on COVID-19 and it’s impact on the ARNOVA conference. As of now, we are planning to have a room available for in-person attendance, as well as a Zoom link for virtual attendance. We are currently exploring what/if opportunities we will have available for a reception that evening.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Our events are made possible by contributions from our member programs like you. Sponsors are recognized at the Member Meeting and any corresponding Member Meeting materials, including the NACC Member Meeting Program, NACC News, and the NACC Website.

Sponsorship Levels and Packages

All funds collected from sponsorships help NACC with costs associated with food, facilities, merchandise, printed materials, and more. Any gift level provided greatly assists NACC.*

$250+ | General Support Sponsor (unlimited opportunities available)

Your meaningful contribution will help offset costs associated with facilities, technology services, snacks, and/or beverages for our meeting.

$500 | Lunch Sponsor (up to four naming opportunities available, first-come, first-serve)

Your meaningful contribution will help us provide complimentary boxed lunches to our members.

$750 | Reception Sponsor (up to four naming opportunities available, first-come, first-serve)

Your meaningful contribution will help us thank our members for coming to the meeting and will provide a valuable social opportunity for our members.

Our goal is to reach a minimum of $5,000 from Sponsorship proceeds. If you are unable to assist with an amount listed above, we are also accepting meaningful contributions of any monetary increment. We will then pool resources and split Sponsorships accordingly.

*Excess proceeds go to NACC’s annual fund to make future conferences & events as successful as possible.

Contact Nicole Collier, Executive Director, at nicole.e.collier@tamu.edu